
Saturday, February 18, 2012

Ch- ch- ch- ch- Changes (or, Playroom Re-do, part one)

Our "playroom" has gone through many transformations since we moved in six and a half years ago.  In the beginning it was more of an office with toys in the corner than a playroom.  As The Reporter has gotten older and The Little Guy came along, our toy/kid stuff storage needs have changed and the room has become a definite playroom.  Little by little we have put away "office type things" and tried to incorporate kid-friendly furniture and decor.

Even when the room was an office/playroom, I knew that I wanted a way to display The Reporter's artwork.  I knew I wanted a "gallery wall" of sorts, but had no inspiration or ideas so I opted for hanging a collection of identical frames on a single wall with her artwork behind glass.

Here it is.  A sad, crooked collection of terribly ugly, plain frames.  BUT, I was showcasing her work and I had great intentions to change the art monthly. . .quarterly. . .yearly. . .um. . . .  Yep, five years later, the art never got changed.  (Total slacker mom moment.)  Truth be told it was just too damn much work to take the frames off the wall, remove the backs and find work that would fit in the windows.

Now that we have two little artists around the house, I am finding myself swimming in artwork and looking for a way to display it.  After scouring the internet through the help of Pinterest, I found some inspiration for a new playroom gallery wall.  My favorite idea came from here, so a few Saturdays ago, I started gathering together what was needed to transform this space from ho-hum-crooked to fresh-fun-kid-friendly!

We started with a trip to our local Hospice Flea Market store (One of my favorite thrift spots!).  The Little Guy and I went frame-hunting and came up with a box of wonderful finds--only after totally taking over an aisle in the store laying out different configurations and combinations, of course.
Check out those prices!  .25-$2 per frame!

After a little spray paint shopping. . . 

We were ready for action!

The Reporter had fun posing with each frame. . .

We arranged the frames on pallets for even spray painting. .  .
(Yes, that is an old barber shop sink.  I have plans. . .)

Primer on both sides. . .

Once the frames were primed and dry, I marked off a spot in the grass that was the same size as the wall space I was working with.  I arranged and rearranged the frames until I had them just like I wanted them.  Then I decided what color to paint each one. . . 

Cobalt Blue for these!
(The back 3 are for another project!)

Turquoise and Paprika for these!

Once the paint dried, I gathered up the frames and prepared for the next step. . .hanging them!

Most of the frames needed new hardware. . . not any easy job.

But once the hardware was on, the hanging began!  Thank goodness for my photos of the frames arranged in the grass!  I was able to look back at them and knew just what to do!

Wall One. . .

More Wall One. . .

The Whole Corner. . . sans artwork and clips. . .

A little something to remind us all to create each and everyday. . .
(My first attempt at computerized art!)

Office supply clamps and Seasonal Art were added. . .

And the Wall is Complete!!

I love it.  The hubby loves it.  And the kids especially love seeing their art in their playspace!  The Little Guy squeals and points to his "school work" and The Reporter loves bringing home new art each week in her Friday Folder!  I love it because changing the art will be so much easier than taking down frames!  I simply have to unclip the old stuff, file it away and display new artwork!

The "Gallery Wall" was only the beginning of some playroom re-dos. . .
Stay tuned. . . 

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