
Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday Finds! Get Your Knit On!

Do you knit or crochet?  Do you know someone who does? If so, please join me in a bit of charity knitting!

I made a resolution to do some charity knitting each month this year, whether it is a baby hat for the local hospital, a prayer shawl for a friend in need, or a dishcloth for our Threads of Hope ministry at church.  Sometimes, I get so excited about a project for myself (or my sweet babies) that I forget to share this wonderful gift with others.  However, my resolution has made this year different and I have enjoyed each project (not to mention it is a fabulous way to use up stash yarn!)  So I am asking you to join me in this challenge!

Click for Babies is working to inspire knitters and crocheters to come together to make sweet little purple hats for babies as part of an awareness program that addresses The Period of Purple Crying.  The hope is that new parents will be sent home with information to help them cope with this stressful period of infancy along with a handmade purple hat.

My personal goal is to knit at least 5 purple hats to donate (I donated 5 in 2010, as well).  One of my favorite local yarn shops is collecting hats to be donated until October 15.  Won't you join me in knitting or crocheting a few hats for this wonderful project?  Need some inspiration?  Check out my Five Friday Finds this week--Links to Five FREE hat patterns to get you started!

Baby Berry Hat

Little Sister Hat

Preemie Hats for Charity

Perfect Fit Baby Hat

Lazy Daisy Turban

And if you need more inspiration, check out Ravelry for more patterns than you could ever dream of! 

Specifics about the hats being collected can be found on the Click for Babies page, along with information about where to send finished hats. You can also follow The Period of Purple Crying on Facebook!

Have a Fabulous Weekend and Happy Knitting!

1 comment:

  1. i want to join you! i like the idea of having handmade heroes do this. i will pick date and send some information to everyone.
