
Monday, September 5, 2011

Make it Work!

Happy Labor Day!  I love that each year we begin the school year, get into the groove of getting up early, being productive, and getting on a schedule.  Then 2 weeks later--a day off!  A chance to bid long summer days farewell and squeeze in a quick trip to the beach or lake.  Or in my case, a chance to clean the house sans The Reporter, clean off the SD card in the camera, and catch up on blogging ( I may or may not be writing multiple posts over the weekend to stockpile and publish when I am too busy to write during the school year. . . )

As I was downloading pictures, I realized that there were so many projects that I had not posted in the second half of the summer.  I was also amazed at how much I really did use my sewing machine this summer.  You see, I usually get the machine out, look at it for a while, get intimidated and put it back in the closet with the hope that "next time" I will get brave and make something.  This summer, I decided to make friends with my machine, once and for all.  I set-up a special "sewing-area" in the living room so I could sew, the kids could play, and the husband could roll his eyes each time he had to shimmy past the sewing table to get to the bike trainer! The combination of having the machine out all summer, the siren song of Pinterest, and the return of Project Runway (!) inspired me to tackle a little sewing and "Make it work"!

So here you have it--a little wrap up of the second half of summer-sewing. . . .

A special little gift for our newest little tailgate buddy!
I was super excited to find this ASU fabric at Hobby Lobby!
I had purchased the ribbon in Boone a while back,
so I decided to do a variety of burpies to go along with a little knitted hat, of course!

More Sleepover Pillowcases and Bandana Pants!
This set was for a little girl that LOVES all things pink and dramatic!

And this set for a more subdued sister!

A little something for The Reporter to wear to school, inspired by this tutorial.
So cute, SO easy, and SO gonna make more of these!!!

What do you do when your kiddos start to outgrow their clothes in length, but the waist still fits? Well, six months ago I would have sent this straight to the consignment box, but we decided to "Make it Work!"
Adding a 3 inch ruffle gave it just enough length for school-wear and made it super-fun for a
six year old that loves to twirl!

Now that summer is "over" and it is back to the daily grind, does that mean that my sewing machine will go back into hibernation?  No way!  I am trying to sneak in a little sewing time here and there and have even committed to one of my 
40 by 40 projects. . . .

Any guesses??

1 comment:

  1. Cute! I made Hannah a pair of bandanna pants waaay back when:) Love the skirt! You can add on to the bottom of jeans too....I buy that kind of stuff on etsy for Soph. Go on Etsy and check out "boutique" overalls or ruffle bottom jeans.

    I have a sewing machine but really don't know how to use it very well....But I sure do know how to order on etsy:)
